Albert Wyndham

Albert Wyndham (1903-1977) is a photographer who somehow remains a bit of a mystery. I was unable to put together a biography, there are many sites selling his photographs but nobody seems to find it important to add info on the photographer. He was active in Paris between 1920 and 1930, photographed a lot of flapper girls and was responsible for a legacy of very nice lingerie photos.

He was the owner of the FilmArt Studio, and it is believed he also referred to his studio as Albert Wyndham Studio. The studio was located at 1 3 rue Auber, Paris. Begin 1930 Wyndham started working for magazines like Petit choc, Jambes Savantes, and Honni Soit. Besides these he was responsible for various little catalogues, called Poupees Parisiennes or Camera Prints. These were published in English and targetted an Anglo-Saxon audience.

Some believe Wyndham was the same as Grundworth studio, Grundworth can be seen as anagram of Wyndham. Using the name Grundworth he could perhaps have been producing more explicit photograps. However there is no proof of this, no simularities were found between models, furniture or accesoires.

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